<>在比赛的第二分钟,托尼利用头球得分,在与锡耶那的德比赛中,在锡耶那的法兰基球场打开了胜利之门。弗雷封堵了<FONT color=#333333>纳尼和</FONT>韦尔加索拉的射门。在下半场,约根森的射门中立柱弹出,托尼补射攻入第二球,佛罗伦萨在第九个比赛日后排名升至第三。托尼以11个进球位列射手榜首位。</P>
<DIV class=Titolo>Toni's Brace, Fiorentina Win Derby</DIV>
<DIV class=DataOra>10/27/2005 12:13:00 AM</DIV>
<DIV class=Abstract>After two minutes with a header Toni opened the score in the derby at the Franchi of Siena. Frey closed the goalpost on Nanni and Vergassola. In the second half a great move by Jorgensen paved the way for Toni’s brace, who picked up the rebound from the goalpost and scored his second goal. Fiorentina moves to third place in the standings after nine matchdays, Toni on top of the top scorer list with eleven goals.</DIV>