<>这场比赛会在中立场地里米尼[意大利东北部港市]举行而且没有球迷,佛罗伦萨如果加上罚分的话排在意甲3,4的位置, 他们在连续战胜乌迪内斯和利沃诺以后继续保持着良好的状态,在最近的12场比赛里面只输了1场,并且在主力得分手托尼和穆图缺阵的情况下能够2:0击败实力不俗的乌迪内斯证明了佛罗伦萨整体的强大以及板凳的深度, 下场对阵卡坦尼亚托尼穆图都可以上场的情况下,佛罗伦萨的实力有赠无减.</P>
<>卡坦尼亚无疑是本赛季的一个惊喜, 但是他们的实力很难在赛季末保持着现在所在联赛中的位置, 从历史来看,一些表现的好的升班马都会在这段时间走下坡路,更何况比赛会异地举行,没有球迷的他们是否能够象以前那么勇猛, 还是一个问号.</P>
<>按照积分榜来看佛罗伦萨高出对方9分, 实力上来分析两队的差距就更加大, 因此最近走势很猛的佛罗伦萨对这场比赛是志在必得!</P>
<>The match will be played in neutral ground (in Rimini) and without attendance. Fiorentina without penalty would be in third position. Actually in good form after two home wins in a row against Livorno and Udinese. In last twelwe matches lost only once in away match with Inter. Last week Fiorentina won against Udinese playng without two key strikers Mutu and Toni. Both of them will be available against Catania.
Catania are the big surprise of the season, but I don't think that they will keep actual position until the end of the season, even because they will play without attendance and in neuttral ground for the rest of the tournament.
Fiorentina had 9 points more than Catania without it, and the difference of quality is even higher.
Catania are unweakened after the injury iof the defender Silvestri and suspension of expert defender Sottil and key midfielder Baiocco</P>
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[此贴子已经被梦幻之星于2007-2-18 2:47:14编辑过]