Last week, Fiorentina Sports Director Pantaleo Corvino stated that he has signed a new player for next season, but he has not revealed who the player is. The press has immediately named the mysterious player "Mister X". Moreover, RAI TV journalist Enzo Baldini claims to know that the unnamed player is a defender. Now Fiorentina coach Cesare Prandelli has added that there might be already a second "Mister X". In fact, Enzo Baldini told that another player has also signed for Fiorentina and this time it's an attacking midfielder. Only time will reveal who the two new Fiorentina signings are.
在上周,老科说他已经签下了一个X-MAN,很多人,包括RAI TV的Enzo Baldini认为签下的是一个后卫,他还说我们已经签下了另一个AM,直到确定的时候他们才会公布这两笔转会。
Fiorentina coach Cesare Prandelli has laughed off speculation about their 'Mr X' signing.
Last week, Viola sports chief Pantaleo Corvino revealed a deal had already been agreed with a player for next season - so fueling talk of a 'Mr X'.
Prandelli said: "Mister X? Who says that there is just one? There may even be two, knowing the great skill in the market of Pantaleo Corvino."
Fiorentina fullback Manuel Pasqual says he's happy to discuss a new contract.
"If the club wants to discuss the renewal of my contract expiring in 2010, I am ready to stay, because I am the first to be grateful to this club for having launched and developed me in Serie A," said Pasqual.