Zauri spoke during a press conference about his current experience with the Viola, in particular the Champions League preliminary stage which saw them take a good advantage in the first leg.
“The game went like I had hoped,” commented the former Lazio player.
“They stayed at the back for the draw, but we were good to open the score straight away. The third goal would have been the cherry on top.”
Zauri wanted to thank in particular Prandelli for his great leadership.
“He is a great coach and has matured,” he explained. “He was a reference point 15 years ago and he still is. I thank him a lot. Playing as a winger is very tiring, but I’m used to it. We train for this reason.
"with a cherry on top"一般是讽刺的,在这里没有上下文,所以不清楚。
解释:with a cherry on top = 上面再加个樱桃。原指冰激凌上面最后放个装饰的樱桃,但是现在含有讽刺意味,意思是,“你还要我作些什么?”
I want you to finish all this work in an hour.
Sure, with a cherry on top?
- 我要你一个小时内把这些工作全部做完!
- 可以,你还有什么额外要求吗?