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[官网新闻] [原创]Jimenez: "伟大的进球,团队的胜利"



发表于 2006-2-12 19:38:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<>Jimenez: "伟大的进球,团队的胜利"
2/9/2006 6:06 PM </P>
<>"这也许是我职业生涯中最重要的一粒进球."Luis Jimenez 如此评价他在下半场开场不久被替换上场后打入国米的关键进球."我很高兴,也很激动.我将它献给我的家人和所有期望我能有好表现的人."
Luis Jimenez :"这是一种难以言状的感觉,在特殊环境中一种极大的满足感.昨晚的进球毫无疑问是我职业生涯以来所进的最关键的球之一,可以和我为我的祖国智利打进的球相提并论.但尤其让我感到满意的是我们赢得了精心准备的比赛.因为我们在充满信心和决心的情况下获得了我们应得的结果.我认为击败国米是全队共同努力的结果,所有的人都众志成城地防守并适机反击.现在我们正等着和Livorno的遭遇战.我们并不疲倦,相反,我们积极性很高,对我们自身的能力充满信心:昨天的胜利给了我们更多的力量."

Jimenez: "Splendid Goal, A Team Win" </P>
<>“Maybe the most important goal of my career.” Luis Jimenez commented this way the goal scored against Inter just a few minutes after entering on the pitch in the second half of last night’s match. “I’m happy, enthusiastic; I dedicate it to my family and to those who wish me well.” </P>
<>Luis Jimenez: “It Was An Incredible Emotion, A Satisfaction In A Wonderful Environment. Last night’s goal is surely one of the most important of my career, along with a goal I scored for Chile, my national team. But I’m especially satisfied because we won after having prepared very well the match. Because we obtained the result playing as a team with great conviction and determination. I think that the win over Inter was the result of a very good performance by the entire group, everyone helped out and sacrificed themselves in defence to help the team counter attack. Now we look at the encounter against Livorno. We are not tired, on the contrary we are very motivated and convinced of our own qualities; yesterday’s win has given us even more strength.” </P>



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en  哥们  继续加油!


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