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翡翠城文化展贴Coltura del Provincia di Firenze



发表于 2004-12-23 05:46:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<>本贴旨在长期宣传翡冷翠的人文地貌、历史文化等等,并包括部分有关紫百合的历史事件与知识(Storia del Viola),同时还有经常性的意大利语学习(Italiano di Studio),欢迎每位有识之士和有兴趣者参与(跟贴)!Forza Viola !!!</P>
<>&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;Italiano di Studio&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;意大利语学习&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;
<>Fi'renze 翡冷翠,来自古意大利语 | Florence</P>
<>fioren'tino 佛罗伦萨人,佛罗伦萨人的,佛罗伦萨的 | Florentine</P>
<P>fioren'tino(Bistecca)字骨嫩牛排| T-bone Steak </P>
<P>To'scana 托斯卡纳 | Tuscany</P>
<P>to'scano, -a 托斯卡纳人,托斯卡纳人的,托斯卡纳的 | Tuscan</P>
<P>ga'zzetta 杂志、报刊 | magazine</P>
<P>Il 〈定冠词〉这(些),那(些), 阳性词 | the</P>
<P>La 〈定冠词〉这(些),那(些),阴性词 | the</P>
<P>'curva 曲线,弧线;曲面,弧形面...曲线形,弯曲物 | curve</P>
<P>Curva Fiesole 著名的紫百合球迷主看台</P>
<P>- estremità 完 end -</P>
<P>&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;Coltura di Studio&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;文化学习&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;
<P>今天想来想去,我决定还是先简单介绍一下Gazzetta dello Sport《米兰体育报》。</P>
<P>米兰体育报是一份体育日报,它最独特的地方是采用了粉红色的纸印刷出版。1896年起始于米兰的它是意大利境内最被广泛阅读的体育报刊。它还组织了年度著名国际自行车赛——“环意大利自行车赛Giro d'Italia”,每位时间上领先群雄的运动员都会穿上粉红领骑衫迎接第二天激烈的挑战。
<a href="http://www.gazzetta.it/Speciali/Giroditalia/2005/ita/[/color" target="_blank" >http://www.gazzetta.it/Speciali/Giroditalia/2005/ita/[/color</A>]</P>
<P>- estremità 完 end -</P>
<P>&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;Storia del Viola&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;紫百合故事&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;
Fiorentina-Lazio 佛罗伦萨主场对拉齐奥</P>
<P>Clashes between Lazio fans and police began just arrived at Termini station of Rome while the fans were trying to get on the train. The train was too small for the thousand of ultras that the game called: Lazio fans are not so special regarding the number of people on their away games but this time they went in Florence with 10000 supporters.
While trying to enter the train under the view of the police, someone threw a firework (torcia) against them and then clashes erupted. The police had to make use of teargas inside the station while Lazio fans were throwing against them the stones that you find in the railroad.
After these disorders the ultras got on the train and left Rome for Florence. Termini station is now seriously damaged.
Once arrived in Florence and after the complete destruction of their special train, Lazio supporters made a fire inside a wagon of the train. They left it and after sometime, in which police took their documents, they arrived at the stadium with more than 30' of delay.
During the match Fiorentina fans tried to enter thr pitch to reach Lazio fans but they didn't reach their aim. Lazio fans tired to reach Fiorentina fans too and also began to throw against them everything they had. Some fireworks arrived in Lazio supporters sector and an explosive one reached even Fiorentina player Heinrich who went down on the pitch for some minutes.
After the match many Lazio fans not with organized groups (not ultras...) reached their cars outside the stadium. One car has been attacked by Viola fans and they destroyed it. The driver went outside the car and a Fiorentina fan stabbed him at an arm. Immediately Lazio ultras got out of the stadium to make contact with other ultras. A viola fan has been stabbed in the stomach and went to the hospital.
After these facts everything returned calm and Lazio fans got back in Rome.</P>
拉齐奥的球迷在罗马中央火车站尝试挤进列车的同时,他们与警方的冲突发生了。对这成千上万情穷汹涌的球迷来说,这部列车实在太小了:从罗马出发去客场看球的蓝鹰球迷从来没有那么多 —— 这次去佛罗伦萨的足有1万人!当他们尝试在警方的眼皮底下挤进列车时,某个极其激进的球迷向警察扔了个点燃了的烟火棒,接着暴动就发生了。一边现场警方不得不用催泪弹来对付球迷,而另一边拉齐奥球迷扔的竟是路轨上的石头。骚乱之后这些激进分子搭上火车离开了罗马立往佛罗伦萨进发。现在的中央火车站已经成残容败瓦了。(Lorenzo注:我看过朋友的照片,现场TMD像在打仗!)火车一到达佛罗伦萨城就立马报废了,因为拉齐奥的支持者点燃了其中一节车厢把它整个“火葬”了。他们遗下这列后来被警方用来取证的火车后赶到了佛郎基,但却晚到了30多分钟。
<a href="http://www.ultrasworld.com/news7.htm[/color" target="_blank" >http://www.ultrasworld.com/news7.htm[/color</A>]</P>
&amp; Il Direttivo del Viola Club New York, 6/11/2005
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-6-13 2:59:34编辑过]



 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-12 06:07:29 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-18 11:40:49 | 显示全部楼层
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