<>《我的紫色天空》里的所谓我认识的《米兰体育报》记者朋友洛佩(暂代名)先生已经许诺他的哥/弟可以在佛罗伦萨当地报纸上发表一篇专稿介绍佛罗伦萨在中国的球迷情况,所以请您们最近尽量抽出时间更加积极地参与站长梦幻之星发出的调查活动或我(们)发出的其他活动,以助我们收集真实的资料以提供给洛佩先生。本轮活动的总体口号是:让我们紫色的心联在一起! </P>
<P> i. 增进大家的了解,为以后论坛的发展带来好的影响;</P>
<P> ii. 发展我国的佛罗伦萨队球迷与意大利佛罗伦萨的球迷间的关系。</P>
<P>Dear Wei (Lorenzo)
i apologize for answering so late
i was travelling
i was in kentucky for the tyson fight
I am impressed by how much you know about soccer
and glad that firoentina is your favorite team
yes, if you join the viola club
you will become the first chinese in the club
we used to have an american girl as part of it before
we don't really do too much activity
now that we are back in serie A
we will start again to try to watch a few games all together
and to meet for dinner
once every month or so
right now almost everybody is on vacation
so i have to ask you
to get back to me
at the end of august
so i will give you the name and the contact of the president of the club
Mr Paolo Palli
who will tell you how to join the club
thank you for your interest
and see you soon
if you could put together some datas
on how much fiorentina is loved in china
how many fans
existing web sides and people who buy viola shirts
either authentic or fake
we can do a story not on gazzetta
but on the lcoal paper in floorence
my brother is a jourmalist for that paper
and will be glad to write a story on china and viola
nice talking to you yesterday
take care
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-29 5:03:55编辑过]